Our Past Programmes & IMpact

Past Programmes & Impact
Real Ideas and Real Pathways have led and been part of a range of young peoples programmes over the last 10 years. Each programme has been different but share the passion and dynamic approach to supporting young people with skills development, personal development, well-being, employment and enabling young people to access opportunities. Real Ideas and Real Pathways have a proven track record of providing high quality programmes and pieces of work as well as championing collaboration with other organisation to partner in wider programmes across Cornwall and Plymouth.


Talent Match was a £108 million national lottery funded programme set up by The National
Lottery Community Fund. It was launched in 2012 against the backdrop of record levels of
youth unemployment and implemented from 2014-18. Funding was distributed to 21 voluntary
and community sector led partnerships across England.
Four aspects of the programme were innovative and distinctive:
- Support was provided on a personalised and individual basis, responding to the needs of
participants. - The programme aimed to work with young people aged 18-24 who were furthest from the
labour market. - The programme was voluntary in contrast to government funded employment programmes
at the time. - The programme was co-designed and co-delivered with the support of young people.


Real Ideas was the Lead partner of the Game Changer programme which supported 16 to 24 year olds into work training or education. We supported young people across Cornwall collaborating with Creative Kernow, CO It ran from 2017 – 2021
The programme had 5 key delivery partners working with local businesses as well as organisations right across Conrwall to fit our game changer young people into work experiences that were individually designed, and organised, to fit their personal areas of interest and opportunity.
Our friendly team of navigators helped individuals get into work, education or training by helping them grow their skills through real world experiences.

The COMPASS Programme was a partnership of 15 providers across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, led by Cornwall Council and part-funded by the European Social Fund.
COMPASS enabled Young People, including those with SEND (special education needs and disabilities) and SEMH (social, emotional and mental health) aged 15-24, to develop the resilience, employability skills and labour market intelligence to enable participants to make informed choices around access to education, employment and training based on their interests, skills, abilities and the needs of the labour market.
The aim of COMPASS was to offer a flexible, person-centred approach to supporting young people who are NEET (not in education, employment or training) or at risk of NEET with a particular focus on young people for whom SEND (special educational needs or disability) or SEMH (social, emotional, mental health) issues present a barrier to progression.