Explore Microbit Coding at Liskeard Library - Home Education Series

Step into the world of coding with Microbit, a pocket-sized computer that lets you bring your ideas to life. No experience necessary for 7+

Venue: Liskeard Library


Step into the world of coding with Microbit, a pocket-sized computer that lets you bring your ideas to life. No experience necessary for 7+

Explore Microbit Coding at Liskeard Library

Join us at Liskeard Library for an exciting series of coding workshops, where children can step into the world of Microbit coding!

Discover the endless possibilities of coding with Microbit, a pocket-sized computer that lets you bring your ideas to life.

What is a Microbit?

Whether you are new to microbits or already have some coding experience, this session is a fun and interactive way for children to learn and explore.

During the event, you will have the opportunity to experiment with Microbit and learn how to code it to perform various tasks. Our friendly team will guide you through the basics, helping you understand the concepts and unleash your creativity.

We look forward to seeing you at Liskeard Library

*Session is for Children aged 7+
*Children must be accompanied by an adult