Adult Creative Writing Workshops

Adult Creative Writing Workshops
Fun, relaxed and practical workshops for anyone who has always wanted to write and for those who need some inspiration to get their creative juices flowing. Led by Nell Carroll Turner, Writer in Residence at Liskeard Library, these sessions will look at generating ideas, finding inspiration and exploring language to develop your creative writing.
Find out more below more about what’s on offer and to book
Putting Pen to Paper: taking those first steps. Generating ideas and finding your writer’s voice.
Saturday 22nd March 10.30am -12.30pm
Join our Writer in Residence , for a fun and engaging workshop for adults that will help you get going with writing the story you’ve always wanted to write.
Whether you’re starting from scratch, picking a project back up that you began some time ago or just interested in writing in general, this is the session for you.
Join us for this session and learn how to:
· Get going on a new writing project or continue an existing one.
· Build up your writing confidence and portfolio.
· Leverage new techniques and specialised skills.
· Discover and your writer’s voice.
Session is for 18yrs +